How to Center Your Mind and Spirit

Refresh & Restart

In a world of constant communication and deadlines, it’s important to take a moment and recenter yourself. Here are some of our tips that’ll put the focus back on you.


Practice mindfulness and thought regulation through meditation. Meditation allows you
to redirect the mind and reprocess thinking. This habitual routine imposes several health
benefits, including...
Reducing stress
Reducing anxiety
Managing overall self-awareness.
Take a deep breath and surrender yourself to peace.


According to John’s Hopkins Medical healthy mind works well with a healthy body. Treat your body like the temple it is and incorporate daily movements that work best with your lifestyle.

Through yoga, individuals can reap health benefits such as...
Improvements in mobility
Easing in tender joints and overall pain
Preparations to better fall asleep


When encountering overwhelming emotions, a healthy way to address these feelings is through journaling.
Journaling helps to...
Improves overall mood
Clears the mind
Manages stress

Explore your thoughts and create a positive space for yourself.

At R-Yolo, we believe in living your best life, even if that life can be hectic at times. Follow our blog for more tips on how to incorporate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness into your life.